Personal Training in Carterton, West Oxfordshire Est. 2018
Personal Training in Carterton, West Oxfordshire Est. 2018
Health history:
First appointments begin with taking a health history. The health history may be mailed out to you so you can complete it beforehand. If not, your first session, this will need to be completed. It will not be part of your paid massage time. A health history will ask about:
What are the contra-indications to massage treatment?
Massage treatment is non-invasive, relaxing & natural. It’s therefore generally considered a safe treatment for most people. A contra-indication is a sign that someone should not continue with a particular treatment because it is or might be harmful.
However, there are three types of contra-indication:
Total:- when massage should not be performed at all.
Local:- when massage can be performed but not over the contra-indicated areas.
Medical:- when massage can only be performed once medical permission has been granted.
The following restrictions are in place to protect your health & well-being. Thank you for taking them as seriously as I do.
Does a contra-indication mean that treatment cannot take place?
Not always. In fact, massage can be very therapeutic for many medical conditions. However, in the above cases it is best to have advice from your GP/Consultant.
If you have further questions or concerns about Medical contra-indications, please contact your GP/Consultant.
Contra-indications continued:
Total contra-indications:
When you have any of these conditions, please do not book a massage:
Fever - Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem or any COVID-19 symptoms - Under the influence of drugs or alcohol -including prescription pain medication - Recent operations or acute injuries - Neuritis - Skin diseases.
Local contra-indications:
A therapist can massage but not over any areas affected by:
Varicose veins - Undiagnosed lumps or bumps - Pregnancy - Bruising - Cuts - Abrasions - Sunburn - Undiagnosed pain - Inflammation, including arthritis.
Medical contra-indications:
If you suffer from any of the following conditions, massage can only take place once it has been approved before your session in writing by your GP/Consultant.
Cardio-vascular conditions (thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, heart conditions) - Any condition already being treated by a GP/consultant - Oedema - Psoriasis or Eczema - High blood pressure - Osteoporosis - Cancer - Nervous or psychotic conditions - Heart problems, angina, those with pacemakers - Epilepsy - Diabetes - Bell’s palsy, trapped or pinched nerves - Gynaecological infections.
Areas of concern:
Your level of pain or discomfort on good & bad days. What helps reduce the pain & what makes it worse.
Contact information:
You will also be asked to sign a form that explains your right to privacy under GDPR & informed consent that requires that clients be informed of exactly what is the treatment process that is going to be undertaken. This allows you the client to exercise your right as to whether this meets your expectation & your individual needs.
Documentation of the informed consent process is important as it validates the intent & confirms that you the client’s participation is voluntary.